The article focuses on the analysis of the defence structure of the Republic of Poland, presenting three key elements: management, militaristic and non-military subsystems. The study places the analysis in the broader context of national security, aiming to understand the complex relationship between public institutions and the Armed Forces. The authors review the role of the President, Parliament, and the Council of Ministers in managing national security, identifying key determinants of the effectiveness of these structures. The article uses various research methods, including document analysis, case studies and assessment of the activities of the Polish Armed Forces. Particular attention was paid to the process of transformation of the Armed Forces, adapting to contemporary challenges. Intelligence agencies were also discussed, with particular emphasis on their role in identifying and neutralizing threats. The conclusions from the analysis show that Poland's defence structure is dynamic and flexible in response to changing security conditions. The Polish Armed Forces actively participate in international missions, and participation in organizations such as NATO and the European Union emphasizes Poland's integration with the international community. The article points to the key role of diplomacy and the defence industry in the context of the state's strategic interests
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Copyright (c) 2024 Katrzyna Cyrkun, Agnieszka Gajewska, Aleksander Sapiński, Zbigniew Małodobry