Trends in prevention of economic offenses in Eastern European countries
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economic crimes
economic offenses
shadow economy
corruption index


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Savina, N. i Sribna, Y. (2021) „Trends in prevention of economic offenses in Eastern European countries”, Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Finansów i Prawa w Bielsku-Białej. Bielsko-Biała, PL, 25(3), s. 19–22. doi: 10.19192/wsfip.sj3.2021.3.


The modern economy goes beyond individual countries and becomes global, which increases the scale of economic abuse and ensures their organization. Such trends require scientific and practical rethinking of both the system of economic offenses and the ways and methods of their detection and overcoming.

The article explains an alternative approach in the study of economic offenses, which focuses on the deep processes of emergence and development of these trends in any economic formations. Methods and ways to combat this phenomenon in different countries according to the level of economic development are outlined and it is indicated that the fight against such crime is conducted as its manifestation. It is noted that the modeling of this phenomenon is based on the position of sustainability and completeness of the evolutionary development of society in relation to the economic system, so such models do not reveal the full depth of economic and legal norms and are derived from the violations themselves. The necessity of allocating economic offenses into a separate legislative norm in the domestic legislation is proved, which is confirmed by the conclusions of researches of foreign experts of law. A comparative analysis of economic offenses in Eastern Europe is presented.
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Artykuły opublikowane w Zeszytach Naukowych Wyższej Szkoły Finansów i Prawa w Bielsku-Białej (tytuł równoległy: Scientific Journal czy Bielsko-Biała Szkoła Finansów i Prawa) są bezpłatne i udostępniane w trybie online (licencja Creative Commons Attribution CC-BY-NC 4.0). Wydawca nie ponosi odpowiedzialności za dostarczony materiał graficzny. Wersja drukowana to oryginalna wersja wydanego czasopisma. Odpowiedzialność za treść spoczywa na autorach, a nie na czasopiśmie.

