The study aimed to understand the impact of artificial intelligence on the effectiveness of measures to prevent money laundering and terrorist financing in the financial sector. Research problems focused on identifying areas where AI can effectively improve preventive actions and on understanding the challenges associated with implementing this technology in the context of financial security. The aim of the work included an analysis of the prospects for the development of AI in activities to prevent money laundering and terrorism financing and an assessment of its impact on the effectiveness of preventive activities. The research hypothesis assumed that developed AI systems could increase the effectiveness of detecting illegal transactions and terrorist activities. The conclusions indicate that the development of AI is crucial for the effective fight against financial crime, but at the same time requires constant adaptation to the evolving threat environment. The message of the study suggests that investments in the development of AI in the financial sector are necessary to maintain security and effectively prevent financial crime.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Katarzyna Cyrkun, Karolina Nastaj-Sałek, Robert Sito, Henryk Noga, Wojciech Jakubiec